90th Infantry Division Pic of the Week: Chambois, France.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  Time for the 90th Infantry Division Pic of the Week.

Today we feature a shot of Supreme Allied Commander, Dwight D. Eisenhower, surveying the carnage at Chambois, France, where combined Allied forces trapped, then destroyed the German 7th Army.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, surveys the aftermath following the Battle of the Falaise Gap, Chambois, France - September 1944. (U.S. Army Signal Corps Photo, Courtesy National Archives)

Close up of General Eisenhower holding camera.

I’ve seen the photograph several times over the years, and always wondered what Eisenhower was doing with his hands.  Participants of the Falaise Pocket have testified to the horrible stench from rotting human and animal corpses following the battle.  I just always assumed that General Eisenhower was in the process of covering his mouth and nose with his hands.  In blowing up the shot, turns out he’s holding a small camera, snapping photos.

2 Responses to “90th Infantry Division Pic of the Week: Chambois, France”

  1. Tristan says:

    Hello Mike,
    this is really one of the most famous photos taken in the Gap.
    According to Ike personal diaries, this photo was probably taken between Chambois and Aubry en Exmes.
    After Eisenhower’s visit on August 23rd 1944, he was particularly appalled by what he saw. He expressed “It was possible for hundreds of yards to walk over decomposing human remains, in a heavy silence, through a luxuriant countryside where all life had brutally ceased…”

  2. mikemccoy says:

    Hi Tristan,

    Fascinating. As always, thanks for the insight.

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