Letters From War Wednesday: Civil War – William Kimmell.

Wednesday so soon?  You better believe it, and time for Letters From War Wednesday.

William Kimmell - 8th Ohio Infantry

Ah yes, it seems like only yesterday.  Or maybe it was 148 years ago yesterday.  On May 24, 1863, Albion, Indiana infantryman, William Kimmell, penned the following note home to his sweetheart, Leah Crispell.  Kimmell’s unit would soon be chasing Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia into Pennsylvania.  The Battle of Gettysburg would follow this letter in five weeks.

Dear Friend,

Your letter of May 4th reached me yestarday.  It was indeed welcome as all your letters are.  You will see by this that we have joined Gen McDowells’s army. We are very likely to be in Richmond in the course of a week or so.  We got here on Thursday last.  Marching one hundred and fifteen miles in six days and a half. We had a very hot and dusty time of it.  We are now entirely out of sight of mountains, something that we have not been for ten months.  This part of the country is not worth living in.  Nothing but sand banks and pine ridges.  There is some very elegant residences near Fredericksburg, but the town itself is a very poor looking place.  Mrs. Washington, mother of Gen Washington, was buried here.  A very fine marble column marks her last resting place.

Yestarday for the first time we had one of the grand reviews for which the Potomac Army has been celebrated for a year past.  President Lincoln was here.  He complimented our division highly.  I have no doubt but it was a splendid sight for the spectators to see 80,000 men maneuvering in the field.  But for us who had to march around in the dust and heat for three hours it was anything but fine.

I have saw a number of old Albion acquaintances in the 19th Ind. Regt.  They all appear to be in excellent spirits and anxious to have a hand in the victory. Our position in the army is in the first brigade of the first division.  Gen Shields commands the division.  Gen Kimball the brigade.  We will be in the advance. … I will close this scribbled letter hoping it may find you in as good health and spirits as it leaves me.

Your friend through life,


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