Letters From War Wednesday: World War II – Max and Carl McGuire.

How many of us have been to Disney World?  Better yet, how many remember that super annoying ride, and accompanying song, “It’s a Small World After All”?  Ugh, the History Junkie’s head is beginning to hurt again, just like in Orlando.

Max McGuire - 671st Topographical Engineers

But for Albion, Indiana brothers, Carl and Max McGuire, it did turn out to be a small world after all.  Max served with the 671st Topographical Engineers and Carl fought with the 38th Infantry Division, both in the Pacific Theater of World War II.  By complete chance, they met up one afternoon outside Manila in the Philippines.

On this Letters From War Wednesday, we feature a combined note from the brothers back home to newspaper editor, “Matt” Matteson, dated April 1945.

“By a lot of good luck we have finally contacted each other and gotten together.

“A lot of things have happened in the 18 months since we have seen each other.  In fact, so many things that it doesn’t seem possible we could be here sitting on the same bunk and writing this letter, but we are sure having a good family chat, just the two of us.

“We are enclosing some pictures so you can see how much this life has changed us.  Both of us are fine and healthy as can be.  Of course, there is that good old town we would like to be in right now, along with our folks, wives, families and loved ones.  Maybe it won’t be so long anymore.  We sure hope not anyway.

“Max is telling me what to write and when I get it written down he changes it, so I don’t know whether we have gotten a letter or not, but we have at least tried.  About all we can say is ‘So Long’ and ‘Hello’ to everyone.” (The Noble County American – April 26, 1945)

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